Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Found poem

You're never alone
I curse, I scream, I cry
I hate, I love, I feel grief
I wish, I hope, I dream
I laugh, I smile, I sing

Sunday, April 25, 2010


We always dread,
When someone is dead,
We cry and weep and scream,
But what if they went some place like a dream,
Where they could still live their life to the very extreme.

Life can be good,
But it's never understood,
And it can always get a bit hard,
At times we see it in a strange regard,
And at others we get very badly scarred.

I've lived the pain,
Says a grandma in vain,
I've experienced a lot in my day,
Life is not all about boring and grey,
It can be about laughs and play.

When someone is born,
Life is adorned,
People are happy and love to rejoice,
And sing with their best and lovely voice,
Even no matter how much they revoice.

Death and birth always oppose,
But life comes and goes,
And what if they were just the same,
And noone realized, because nobody claimed,
Yet maybe life is just one big game.